A post about buttons

Now that our baby is five weeks old, I’ve found that I spend most of my time ruminating over things like “why does my daughter sound like a pterodactyl?” and “how drunk are the people who design sleepers?” This particular treatise addresses the latter – specifically, the three main types of button location designs we’ve […]


One of Poppyseed’s (our nickname for the baby) favorite pastimes while still residing in Wombsville was to get the hiccups. It was something that occurred most evenings, so when she first got the hiccups after coming into the Real World, Tracy didn’t think anything of it. I, on the other hand, was really thrown off.

After three weeks of fatherhood, I have learned something important

Parents are gullible, and babies are manipulative. Baby: [acts adorable] Parent: Oh, you’re the best! Love love love! Baby, ten seconds later: [screams inconsolably] Parent: Shh shh shh shh Baby, two hours later: [still yelling despite being fed and changed and burped and healthy] Parent: omg what were we thinkinggggggg Baby: [stops crying, acts precious] Parent:

We had a baby!

First night home from the hospital? Nightmare. In the little more than a week since we’ve been home, though, life has gotten smoother. One of our favorite pastimes is occasionally staring off into space. We’ve also determined that parenting a newborn is kind of like running a startup. You have to be able to pivot

I have things to say…

… but I left my old webspace expire. There were other things that came up that took a higher position, so I wasn’t in much of a hurry to change that. That doesn’t mean I have a ton of time on hand, and I’m going to have even less soon. But sometimes, I feel like

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